Monday, February 22, 2010

Bloom's Verbs for the Digital Age

Churches suggests in his article, "Bloom's Taxonomy Blooms Digitally" that we need to think about the verbs of Bloom's in new ways.  Please read the article and evaluate the content.

In your comments to this post, include
1) your general reaction to the article
2) the two digital terms (verbs) that you think are most important for our current students

Monday, February 1, 2010

Technology in Schools

Please watch the video "Why We Need To Teach Technology in School." What is your reaction? In your opinion, is the video correct or incorrect or biased?In what specific ways should the content of this video impact education? Add your thoughts in the comments.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Fair Use for Teachers

Understanding copyright laws and fair use guidelines in important for teachers. Please read the article from the Standford Libraries,

In the comment section of this blog, write 2 important things that you learned from this reading. Please be sure to identify yourself.

Melissa Cast-Brede, from the UNO library will be the guest presenter in our class on January 25. She will address copyright, on-line library resources, and information literacy.