Monday, February 22, 2010

Bloom's Verbs for the Digital Age

Churches suggests in his article, "Bloom's Taxonomy Blooms Digitally" that we need to think about the verbs of Bloom's in new ways.  Please read the article and evaluate the content.

In your comments to this post, include
1) your general reaction to the article
2) the two digital terms (verbs) that you think are most important for our current students


  1. The information on Bloom's Digital Taxonomy is very interesting. Creating seems to be at the top of the chart, and mixing is in that category. I find myself mixing in certain aspects a lot. Blogging is another important part of it and I do blog quite a bit outside of school. It is shocking to see also that understanding and remembering are on the bottom of the list. As students, we have to remember so much information- weird how this is a low priority. Understanding something is also very important, I would like to see some research done on this topic.

  2. This article contains an interesting concept of applying Bloom's Taxonomy to the Digital World. It is a different way of looking at things. As I was reading the article, I jotted down some of the verbs that I thought were important and applicable to my current students. Now, my task is to choose two. I producing is probably one of the most important verbs. In order to produce something you must have first mastered all the other levels in the Taxonomy. The second verb I chose was collaborating or sharing. When you work with someone to share information or tasks you must first understand the concept involved and be able to organize and plan the best way possible to achieve your goal.

  3. I thought this seemed like the thing that everybody's doing. You know, Every one is trying to come into the digital age, and this is just another way to do it. I feel that this is only partially necessary. If you are familiar with the new digital way you can do things, you might come up with these verbs on your own. I feel that this could be a resource for people who don't have as much experience with technology to target specific things they could do in their classroom and see where they fit with what they know. I think podcasting is something I would like to do in my classroom. I am in a music classroom and it's amazing how fluent students are with itunes and that sort of thing. It would be great to take that to the next level. I think blogging would also be a great way to incorporate some written assignments. Just like this blog mediates short assignments for this class, I bet I do do something similar in my class.

  4. 1) This article is something I would like to show the rest of my staff. I think it makes very clear how Bloom's Taxonomy is applied to current applications. The specific examples are simply enough so that even my colleagues who struggle with technology would be able to understand.
    2) The two digital terms that are most important to my students right now are editing and hypothesizing.

  5. This article is interesting and it seems to be very simple and clear example to understand the concept of Bloom’s taxonomy. Also, it is interesting to compare between Bloom’s taxonomy and revised Bloom’s taxonomy.
    I think that Programming is important because creating their own programs suit their needs and goals. Also, directing and producing seems to be important for me because it requires the student to have vision, understand the components.

  6. 1) As is the case with most businesses, teams, organizations and just humanity in general, continuing to evolve, adapt and change is necessary. The revised Bloom's Taxonomy, and the verbs which have been added, make perfect sense considering the enormous amount of change which has taken place in terms of technology.
    2) The two verbs I think are extremely important are:
    • Publishing - I believe this is important because if offers an audience beyond just the teacher's desk for our students. When they realize that other people are going to reading/viewing their work, the bar is raised just a little bit.
    • Directing/producing - I am a big-time advocate of student creating. When students are directing/producing they are required to have a plan, enact that plan, work with other people and see a project through. Indispensable skills if you ask me.

  7. Wow! I love this article! The integration of Bloom's Taxonomy with the digital age has long been needed. It helps teachers understand how they can best educate their students and prepare them for the future. This info should be presented to teachers around the district because it will enlightened them on what they should be focusing on in their lesson plans.
    The two most important terms are searching (googling) and collaborating. Searching allows students to become life long learners. They will be able to gain info throughout their lives and propose ideas that could led to advances in our society. Collaborating allows students to work well with coworkers and other people in their lives.

  8. 1) I thought the digital Blooms was interesting and very informative. This is something I think that all teachers can benefit from both seeing and using. After reading this article, I think it really put into perspective the need for this integrated approach to technology and education. I feel that this needs to be shared with other educators as a way to better prepare our students for 21st Century skills.
    I agree with the above post saying this will ensure students are life long learners as it will aid in their development and understanding when using such resources in the classroom. I think it's great when students can collaborate on as assignment or project as they can really show their strengths through their thoughtful completion of the assignment.
    With the changes and quick advancements in technology it only makes sense we stay atop of this as it will only continue to grow.
    2) I think the 2 most important verbs from this article again were mentioned in a previous post. The ideas of "publishing" and "producing." The reason that I listed both of these was because I feel like publishing takes into account the aspects of learning the programs and the technical jargon, while producing makes me think the student took an active approach to their learning.

  9. At every teacher inservice meeting we have a required technology tips and tools session. Schools are pushing to use that technology to create and encourage 21st Century learners. What I enjoyed about Churches' article, it that it attempts to bridge the gap between what we learn in textbooks and education ccourses and what we are being taught and told to use in the schools. It is a practical translation that can be applied to my daily practices at school.

    I believe searching and commenting/reflecting to be the two most important verbs this article put forth. First and foremost, I believe students need to understand where to search for knowledge. With technology, the world is at our fingertips, so we need to teach students how to access that world in a safe and constructive way. I also believe commenting/reflecting to be important verbs. The ability to think critically and evaluate the material out this is another important life skill that can translate into any context. If we are teaching students how to access information and knowledge, we also need to teach them how to evaluate that knowledge they are accessing.

  10. I think Bloom's Taxonomy is so appreciated by educators, that it's great it has gone digital. The two most important verbs, in my opinion, are Implementing and Explaining. When one implements, he/she shows full understanding through applying what is learned. Explaining is important because it also shows understanding. It's important that a student be able to take basic understanding to the next level by explaining and implementing.

  11. Bloom's taxonomy is something that has been taught to us as a district. I was introduced to it in my undergraduate program, but really came to understand as I taught. I have the wheel with the verbs on it that I often go back to when writing my lesson plans or trying to come up with an activity for students to show understanding. I am the belief that tests aren't the only way to know if students have mastered a concept. As I read through the "new" verbs, I can pick out a few that I've only recently learned and started using. I think one that we use most commonly is "googling." Whenever I don't know the answer to something, we say "google it" in my class! I think another term that students need to become aware of is social networking. I know within our own school, we will have to begin educating parents on social networking via the internet. We have had instances in the past couple of years where students are using public domains to bully classmates. Parents often seem surprised by this, having completely trusted their child to be responsible on the internet without supervision.

  12. I agree with the bloom's taxonomy chart because it completely makes sense that if you do not remember it you can not understand it and if you can't understand it then you cannot apply it. I think it may be a common misconception that since remembering and understanding are on the bottom then it is not as important as creating. In my classroom I do a lot of creating and mixing with technology and other projects with my kiddos. My studnets are severe and profound so to use technology in their lives works really well because they are fascinated with lights and sounds as well as movements.

  13. Reading this article on blooms taxonomy for the classroom made perfect sense to me. I can it how important creating is compared to just memorizing. Creating is a much harder process compared to just remembering. It goes back to what I tell my students frequently, "don't tell me, show me". Just knowing the internet is a first step down. Doing and producing is certainly a harder process.

    As far as my students go, the two internet verbs we are using right now is remembering and implementing. Since I teach kindergarten, I am not only introducing them to reading and math concepts but also to internet concepts in the classroom. Right now I am showing them the basics of internet use...which in their case is a perfect way to start!

  14. Really? The reason why this hasn't been talked about long ago is beyond me. This was an excellent article and it goes perfectly with these 21st century learners. Students these days think in terms of these definitions and I am very excited to see where this takes us.

  15. I have been using interdisciplinary units (technology & core curriculum) for a couple of years. I have found that most or all students, regardless of their learning level, participate and experience success. In the past I found it difficult to articulate my lessons in "Bloom's verbage" I will definetly reference this article.

  16. Since it's impossible to know everything about every subject, students need to know how to find and evaluate information. In the really broad subjects, organizing is the first step to creating connections between topics. Inventing adds to the community by including new information or a novel way to look at old information.

    The major application I'll take away from the article is, well, application. What connections can we make using a fact found in a Google search? Can we apply the information in the physical and non-virtual world?


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